Thursday, April 28, 2011

For all you Waitress lovers, it's so hard not to entitle this Dear _____ baby (not bc I mean it, but bc it's funny)

Dear large plum,

You are now 12.5 weeks old.  Although, when you are born it'll go back to zero which is confusing.  I hope you are growing big and strong in there.  I read that your head is no longer the same size as your body and that you no longer have a tail...whew.  I don't mean to sound relieved, I'd love your tail - but it's just easier if you don't have one.  I also read that if I poke you, you'll squirm around.  I'll try not to poke you too much, but man am I curious to see what it feels like to be able to feel you move inside of me.  I think we're a few months away from that step, but I can't wait.  This past weekend Mom (your Granny), Granny (your great Granny) and I worked on the quilt that will go in your room.  I think you're going to love it.  I'm hoping it'll be a fun place to call your own.  Even if all you do is poo and spit up on it.  Anyway, it was great to hear your heart beat this week.  It sounded good, strong.  I keep calling you a him, but I don't care if you're a boy or girl - I already love you more than you know.

On Wednesday you will meet your NY family.  Although, they won't know you're there until Saturday.  I'm not sure how I'm going to hide you, since you've made me quite round already.  I'm planning on using the cold weather to bundle up.  It will be hard to resist telling my Aunt Vic about you as soon as I arrive.  I'm not sure how I'll last 3 days hiding you (both physically and emotionally!).  You are going to love your NY family and they will most definitely love you.  I wish that they were closer to us in proximity, but that doesn't make their love any less strong.  It's my hope that you will find refuge in NY with them, just as I have over the years.  Family is most important little one.  Learn it now and live it always.

Love, Mom (OMG, I'm going to be called Mom - minor freak out.)

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