Monday, April 11, 2011

Can I register for a Dyson?

The answer to that is probably no...but maybe the good fairy will bring one to our house anyway.  At least then I'd be fairly matched against the battle of dog hair that goes on in our house everyday.

Our whole goal (or at least my goal- I don't want to rope Chris into something without his knowledge) is to be flexible and keep an open-mind during all of these transitions.  It's in the spirit of this flexibility that we've decided not to find out the sex of our wee one.  For me, this decision comes more out of strategy than anything else.  It's my strong dislike for all things exclusively blue & pink coupled with deep rooted sense of frugality that makes me want all our things to be versatile for either sex and for more babies.  I also love surprises.  Is there any greater surprise than that?  I can't think of any...except a surprise trip to Italy, that would be pretty awesome.

Anyway, the point - to make things versatile.  Below are a few pictures of the fabric I've found and commandeered my mom to use when making the grape's bedding & such.  Not to worry, I plan (mom) on using mostly the non pink/blue fabrics but there will be touches of both.  I can't wait to see this room, which is bound to be my favorite in the house, come together to be a place of fun but practical too.  Enjoy!!

It's A Hoot 6 Piec Crib Set

Its a Hoot -- Moda Quilt Fabric By MoMo- 20 Fat Quarter- 5 Yard, 10 Prints


  1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the fabrics. I can't wait to see the room put together!

  2. I'm finally getting to read the net's best blog, and I love everything, including the title.

    You've been talking about a Dyson for awhile, I think you have enough people that love you that it might happen sooner or later. Does this mean Roomba isn't getting the job done?

  3. Thanks Ashley!! I can't wait to see MJ's room either.

    Sarah, the Roomba has failed me, I've disowned him forever. Although, it isn't "technically" his fault bc he gets stuck on the floor vents and just sits there. Stupid Roomba.
