Wednesday, August 3, 2011


I'm not sure if it's the pregnancy, the heat, my normal attitude, or a combination of all of these but lately I've lived at a level 7 annoyed.  Here's a summary of the things that have irritated me recently:
1.  When I'm checking out at a store, if your cart is pushed so close it's touching my leg - YOU ARE TOO CLOSE!  Back off me.  In addition, if you try to creep up to the counter and stand beside me be ready to see my death stare.  That counter is mine you greedy little bugger until I pack up my purse and walk away!!
2.  Why do doctor's NEVER apologize for making you wait?  Okay, fine she did actually apologize this time...but that somehow didn't help me calm down.
3.  Don't call me Ms. Jessica, I'm not a kindergarten teacher and we're not in class.
4.  Yes, it's hot as hell here.  Yes, my body is literally baking a baby.  NO, I'm not enjoying the warm weather.  Yes, I want you to turn up the air conditioning.
5.  SKIP a stall people, skip a freaking stall.  If there is more than one and I'm in the first one, skip a freaking stall.
6.  Unless somehow that phone makes you listen better, or cool me off, put it away - I'm talking to you!!

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