Monday, June 27, 2011

On a serious note...

I am SERIOUSLY ready for our girls trip!  We're going to Fredericksburg (ish) in a week and half, whew.  I can't wait until the only things I have to do are sunscreen up and eat with my best friends on this planet.  I love these girls so very much.  This trip is so important to me, and I hope all of them can overcome the challenges of daily life and make it happen each year. 

I had dinner with some good friends on Friday night!  Thanks Erika for the delicious fondue!  I loved seeing them and love that our lives have brought us to motherhood at similar times.  I'm thankful for their support.  On a more frightening note, I got bags full of goodies that have left me moderately speechless.  I know it's coming, but I can't picture a time where I'd choose to wear depends.  Although, having seen the tiny underwear (think mesh, one size fits all, boy shorts) the hospital gives you - I will undoubtedly choose the adult diaper method.  I guess, I just didn't realize there would be quite THAT much post delivery leakage.  At any rate, while I appreciate this bag (and the subsequent stories that came along with it), it will remain in the closet until the time that doesn't terrify the bejesus out of me.

It is amazing to me that a woman's self confidence can rebound from pregnancy and all that goes along with it.  It's no wonder that postpartum depression is so commonplace.  Who wouldn't be depressed?  You have just spent 9 months growing a human, where your boobs get ginormous and hurt, your body stretches to its breaking point, you get dark spots (line down stomach, boobs, etc), heartburn, weight gain - you get the picture.  Then, you squeeze that human out of a 10 cm opening that has racked your body with pain to get to that point.  Last, you bleed and ooze for weeks while trying to figure out what to do with your bundle, how not to kill it, all while sleep depraved and trying to figure out how to breastfeed the wee one from boobs that have suddenly started leaking too.  If that isn't enough to induce depression, then crap - I don't know what is.  And yet, ask any mother and the response will always be the same.  It is worth it.  Each and every time.

A miracle, every one.  I personally think women rock.  Mothers are my hero.

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