Wednesday, June 22, 2011

20 weeks and 1 day

I cannot believe this baby is half baked.  I also can't believe I tried to wear non-maternity tights today, I can barely breathe.  Ouch.  Poor baby is probably squished in there.  I am definitely all squished out here.

As always, I'll start with this - pregnancy is a gift.  :)  Babies are a miracle.

Now that that's been said:
 1. I have heartburn so bad I sort of dread eating.
2. I used to love food, now I can't get riled up about anything.  Not even hostess cupcakes, who am i?!
3. At the end of each day, I have cankles.  It is not sexy, funny or practical.  It actually kind of hurts.
4. The baby and are on not on the same schedule, it seems to want to play when I'm ready for bed.  I don't think this bodes well for the future...
5. I received a lecture today about how pregnancy is a gift from God (which is true) and how babies are a miracle (also true)....the weirdness started when the words fruitful and fertile started being thrown around - uh thanks maintenance guy?!
6. Someone told me today that she can't even tell I'm pregnant?  Is this a compliment?  I wouldn't leave the house if I looked like this and wasn't growing a human in my belly.  Mostly because my clothes wouldn't fit and I'd be too busy eating hostess cupcakes which I'd suddenly love again in my non-pregnant state.
7. I'm so thirsty!!!  But I hate water, houston we have a problem.
8. I drank a real chai latte and almost cried it tasted so good.  Oh caffeine, I miss you so.
9. I drank 4 sips of wine (I was just warming you up with the chai comment) and nearly sobbed it tasted so good.  Alcohol, I miss you more.  It's been so long I've even forgotten how to spell you...alcohol - is that right?
10. I am pretty sure I saw the beginning of a stretch mark, but have convinced myself it's just the lighting.  I'll be avoiding looking at that particular location on my body for at least 2 years.
11. Someone, other than Chris, told me I was cute today and I had to resist hugging/making out with him.  Thank you stranger for those words.  Why does it mean so much when it comes from someone you don't care about?!  And no, it wasn't the maintenance guy mentioned in #5.  Whew.
11. Chris and I have decided if it's a boy and a ginger, we'll have to send it back. 

Much love!  Jess

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